Post by Big Tee© on Apr 25, 2013 9:59:25 GMT -5
Can it actually be TRUE? ? Weather liar said +8°C today and 14°C tomorrow!!! I dunno if I should believe it or not but the temp has risen 3 degrees celcius in the last hour and a half. They've issued flood warnings and ice jam warnings this morning. Cross your fingers!!!!!!!!!! I really hope they are right so I can actually open the people door on the barn instead of having to stuff hay through a small opening. I think Rambo would be MUCH happier if I could just toss the hay in rather than stuffing it through between the door and the frame because the door is frozen open and blocked with bungee cords........talk about a redneck solution!!!ROFL At least the cats are happy with the redneck door fastening as they dont have towallow through snow and crawl under the still frozen big door - they can just bop in and out of there without any trouble. Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to stuff 30ish pounds of hay through an opening that is maybe a foot wide by 7' tall? It takes almost half an hour.........5 minutes to peel hay off the bale and a couple more to toss it to the door, and stuffing it through is really tedious. C'mon warm weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Goalie on Apr 25, 2013 11:11:00 GMT -5
warm weather isn't here in Michigan. We had snow yesterday. it is cold today and the flood warnings are here. Farrier came this morning and I was ready. Wearing my carhart bibs and gloves and hat. The wind is what is hurting so bad right now. sun is shining but it is cold.
Post by Bara on Apr 25, 2013 11:21:34 GMT -5
No, nope. Can't be. Sit down. Let me make you a nice cup of tea ..
Post by brooks on Apr 25, 2013 13:09:07 GMT -5
It's 78 here ( riding away quickly )
Post by ZenRider on Apr 25, 2013 20:08:15 GMT -5
Can't say warm, but not a bad day here at all. Hell, it didn't rain and that's a plus all by itself. We broke all kinds of records for rain, colder then normal, etc. this month. Again, today not too bad and this weekend supposed to be pretty good 60's F Saturday and 70's F Sunday, no rain forecast. Though that means I should probably find time to mow the lawn that is looking ready for baling.
Post by Big Tee© on Apr 25, 2013 20:25:53 GMT -5
It's official - we had the coldest March and April since the 1890s.
Post by Bara on Apr 26, 2013 4:29:29 GMT -5
More tea, Vicar?
Post by ZenRider on Apr 26, 2013 20:16:32 GMT -5
Oddly we can't really stay warmer here until the snow melts in the north and west.... So get out there with your blow driers and melt that snow already!
Post by Big Tee© on Apr 27, 2013 8:37:03 GMT -5
When I did chores last night, the temp was pleasant but the windchill, even with just a light breeze, was horrible. All that whitecrap sure reflects the sun back but there are tiny bits of dirt showing now.
Post by Bara on Apr 28, 2013 8:03:52 GMT -5
We, too. But that 'light breeze' blows me off my feet. Who'd live on the top of a hill .. oh, yes.
Still, the sunshine is nice, it melts the snow.
Post by Big Tee© on Apr 28, 2013 9:09:39 GMT -5
The whitecrap seems to be going at a decent speed - thankfully, the ground was dry as a popcorn fart last fall so most is soaking away; the bad news is rain tonight and that will make what bare dirt there is into a swamp.
Post by Bara on Apr 28, 2013 13:08:35 GMT -5
"A popcorn fart"? No, I think I can guess.
Post by niaru on Apr 28, 2013 14:13:24 GMT -5
;D It's been lovely here! I rode in a short-sleeve shirt today! Green grass for Charm to DIVE to during our hacks Flowers! (forsythia, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, dogwoods, magnolia...) And, of course... the first black flies of the year. Still. The sunshine feels good, and makes for a mellow horse!
Post by Bara on May 1, 2013 2:54:04 GMT -5
Ah yes. The difference between the wind up their tails ... ice stilts ...
And - 'Yeah, whatever. Canter? Do we have to? Tcch.'